A few words
about MDVC

Welcome to Elite Movement for Democracy and Real Change - MDVC

This patriotic outburst led to the birth of a new political force which has become the standard bearer of the Congolese opposition and of all the forces required for “real change”. This new political force called "Mouvement d’élites pour la Démocratie et le Vrai Changement - MDVC ", in acronym (Elite Movement for Democracy and the Real Change), presents itself as a new grassroots effort leading to a positive revolution aiming to offer the Congolese people the real change so long awaited. The Congolese people have quickly immersed themselves in this movement through which they rise as one body to transform their country and to bury the paradox of an immensely rich country with a scandalously poor population. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a country which has many of the raw materials sought throughout the world but its people are stripped from the benefits due to lack of experience in the management of public affairs and the corruption that plagues the country. The MDVC represents the hope of the Congolese people for the establishment of good governance and the equitable distribution of the country's wealth.

The flaws mentioned above have become a real bottleneck against the embryonic democracy and the development of the country. The MDVC believes that it is possible to force the crooked coalition to surrender management of the country to the people, like a government co-op turning it over to a family business, and believes firmly that it is possible to restore the image of the long tarnished reputation of our country.

The MDVC believes that the slogan "not poke around in the past" of President Tshisekedi is a reversal of what he professed and seems like a contradiction of those who militated yesterday alongside the people to drive out of the country the businessmen in power. We cannot stand idly by as the people and country are taken hostage by a group of individuals who are in secret agreement from the day after the 2018 elections.

Therefore, the MDVC invites the Congolese people not to lower their guard in the fight against the establishment which has cost the lives of many Congolese people.

The international community will have to recognize the coalition on power as a real threat to democracy, given that the country is currently managed by two presidents including a president of the republic Mr. Félix Tshisekedi, and a Chief of the State, Mr. Joseph Kabila with his majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Everyone should listen to the people’s cry of alarm which is now being transmitted by the Elite Movement for Democracy and Real Change, MDVC.

The Congolese elite call on the international community to support the alternative force embodied by the MDVC, which is the only force for real change in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This comes at a time when those who yesterday fought alongside the people abandoned those same people to indulge in obscene opulence against the interests of the whole country.

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