Our Story

Our Story

President Joseph Kabila was elected as president of the DR Congo in 2006 for a 5-year term and again “reelected” in 2011. Not wanting to give up power, he changed the constitution so that he could continue in office past his time by cancelling the election of 2016. Enough pressure from over local and international organizations caused President Kabila to proceed with a presidential election in December 2018. Knowing that he could not retain power, he negotiated and made a deal with the current president Felix Tshisekedi to win the election in exchange for keeping his wealth and retaining safe refuge within the country. Obviously, this infuriated the people because they all knew that the election was predetermined. In fact, realities on the ground show that former president Joseph Kabila still holds the power in the country, he left without going.

Because of the events surrounding the presidential election in December 2018, many of the organizations began to mobilize to bring about real change for the future by forming a new political party, the “Elites Movement for Democracy and Real Change” (MDVC). This movement is a grassroots movement represented by all 26 districts (states). Since this movement is by the people and for the people, the various leaders within the movement wanted to have as it’s leader; one who is not a politician, one who is not seeking the best interest of his or her tribe or district, one not seeking wealth and power, and one with a reputation of serving the people of the D.R. Congo. The one person who fit the criteria and was placed at the forefront of this movement is none other than the people’s servant Dr. Justin Mudekereza, PhD. Even in the absence of his country, Justin has become a light for change and has given the people hope for a new day in the coming general elections of 2023.

MDVC will fight to have young people elected at different levels from the lower level to the higher level in order to succeed its goals and objectives which is the total renewal and rejuvenation of the Congolese political class among others.

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