The political environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo is undergoing a complete transformation as a new balance of power is being redrawn. Following the December 2018 elections, the results of which were controversial in all respects, an unprecedented political situation emerged in the country, which deserves special attention from the national and international community. This situation, of course, also challenges the Congolese elite, which is becoming more and more aware and organizing itself to get the country out of the socio-political and economic slump in which it has been drowning in for decades.

More than five decades after its independence, the Democratic Republic of Congo remains classified among the most underdeveloped countries in the world despite its multiple natural resources with a subsoil extraordinarily rich in minerals, including the most sought after in the world. The socio-economic, political and security situation of the country has become so worrying and challenging to such an extent that any conscious elite can no longer remain quiet.

The people went to the elections on December 18, 2018 in the hope of real change in all these very alarming situations. In view of the evolution of the political situation throughout the national territory, he pointed out that the real change dreamed of by the Congolese people, and for which many compatriots lost their lives, will have to wait a long time.

The political space reserved under other skies for the development of the country, is nowadays transformed into the space of conclusion of the deals or political conventions whose best winners remain the politicians and not the people.

The managers of yesterday who should become opponents of today have remained and must now deal with opponents of yesterday to manage public affairs together. A political cacophony has taken hold in the country and no one wonders if the change that both have not succeeded in the past 18 years will be possible only in a single five-year term.

Members of Parliament supposed to hold the mandate of the people; once in parliament, hijacks it for the benefit of their families (political or biological) and parliamentary control thus loses its meaning or disappears completely.

It has been clearly established that the great misery in which the Congolese people live is due to bad governance and other anti-values such as: corruption, embezzlement of public funds, tax evasion, illicit enrichment have become the rule during that impunity is in good health. Love of neighbor has completely disappeared so that politicians think only of themselves and forget the suffering people.

The national unity, the economy of the country, the social of the Congolese people and the honor of the fatherland are deteriorating more and more. Social grumblings dominate more the daily life of the Congolese people, and despair settles.

The youth who should be the hope and the future of the country have become the footsteps of politicians who manipulate them according to their own desire. They give her either crumbs or ephemeral posts so that she can continually applaud them instead of realizing the future of the country. In this situation, the renewal of the Congolese political class will remain utopian if the young Congolese and other elites do not take matters into their hands with determination.

Having become aware of all these dangers lurking in our country, a group of visionary citizens agreed on the creation of a movement bringing together different Congolese elites around a common ideal; that of saving the Republic by a popular and positive revolution which will lead to the True Change long awaited by the Congolese people.

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